Felker Farm

Tags: Stoney Creek
   Date Destroyed: ??  

The Felker Farm is located off what is now Paramount Drive. Inbetween St. Paul's and Billy Green Schools, only two more recent foundation can be seen. One long concrete and cinder block foundation which would of been the barn, and a smaller poured concrete slab for the possible house. However, there is evidence of the earlier stone foundations, dump and historic glass present.


Exterior Images:


The Barn Foundation And Old Ash TreeVery Old Ash Tree On The Felker PropertyBarn Foundation Almost Not VisibleOvergrown Barn FoundationCut Hole In The FoundationPile Of Old Stone By The House FoundationOld Stone And ConcreteOld Stone Piled Around FoundationConcrete Foundation And Dumped AsphaultOld Concrete FoundationPoured Concrete Foundation