Heritage Treasures
by Susan Evans Shaw Photographs by Jean Crankshaw
The historic homes of Ancaster, Burlington, Dundas, East Flamborough, Hamilton, Stoney Creek and Waterdown
Featuring photographs by Jean Crankshaw.
The region's finest heritage homes come to life in glorious colour in the pages of this authoritative new book.
Within the communities of Hamilton and Burlington are many fine heritage homes built in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Together, Hamiltonians Susan Evans Shaw and Jean Crankshaw combed the streets and reviewed archive files to choose a selection that represents the many hundreds of heritage homes in the Hamilton/Burlington area.
Author Susan Evans Shaw researched the history of each home and the people who have lived in it. Jean Crankshaw photographed each one on the day and time that would show it at its best. This book offers a selection of sixty of these homes, ranging from modest one-storey cottages to the very grand mansions. This architectural heritage is a cultural treasure that Heritage Treasures recognizes and celebrates.
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