Locations set aside for human burial within the City of Hamilton. These include all known church cemeteries, family plots, memorials as well as newly created cemeteries.

Bethel Church Cemetery
Located in the northwest corner of Ancaster Township, on Bethel Church Road. The oldest known burial dates to 1844. A Methodist church was erected beside the cemetery in the 1860s.

Bethesda United Church Cemetery
This cemetery contains the gravestone of John Shaver. Dated 1795, it is the oldest known gravestone in the Hamilton area.

Christs Church Cemetery
Located behind Christ's Church Cathedral. This cemetery was active between 1837 and 1853. Most of the graves have been moved to Hamilton Municipal Cemetery

Resurrection Cemetery Office
This historic brick house at 254 Garner Road West is currently the Resurrection Cemetery Office.

St Johns Cemetery
The St. Johns Cemetery is located behind St. Johns Church in Ancaster.

Waugh Family Plot
The Waugh Plot is located under the cover of trees on a small knoll in a farmfield close to Summit, Ontario.

White Chapel Cemetery and Crematorium
The White Chapel Memorial Gardens and Crematorium was opened in 1929. It is located in the Ainslie Wood area of west Hamilton.

Zion Hill Cemetery
Also known as Copper Hill or Summit United Cemetery.