Christs Church Cemetery
Date Built: 1837
"Between 1837 and 1853 approximately 763 bodies were buried in the cemetery located at the rear of Christ Church Cathedral in Hamilton. With the cemetery already approaching capacity in 1847, the church Trustees purchased land on York Boulevard from Sir Allan McNab to use as a new burial ground.
When the purchase was completed, many of the bodies were removed from the Christ Church grounds and re-interred in the York Boulevard property. All that remains of the original burial site are 18 monuments in a raised area located behind the church building.
The monuments surround a column inscribed to Richard Beasley as "first settler at the Head of the Lake".
The earliest interment still known to be at this site dates to 1839." 1
1 City of Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee. Hamiltons Heritage Volume 6 - Inventory of Cemeteries and Burial Grounds. link