West Hamilton
The city west of Queen Street. Including Kirkendall, Strathcona, Dundurn, Chedoke Park, Westdale, Ainslie Wood and Cootes Paradise.

Dundurn Castle
Sir Allan MacNab built Dundurn Castle

Castle Dean
Castle Dean, also called Castle Dounne, was built as a home for the superintendent of Dundurn Castle.

Cathedral of Christ the King
Christ the King Cathedral opened in 1933. It was designed by local architects Hutton and Souter and built by the Pigott Construction Company. The was a major fire here in 1981, which destroyed much of the original interior woodwork.

HAAA Grounds
The H.A.A.A. Grounds is the oldest sports park in Hamilton. The H.A.A.A. Grounds site was used by the Hamilton Cricket Club in 1874.

Melrose United Church
Built in 1929 and located on the northeast corner of Homewood and Locke. One of Locke Street's many beautiful churches.

Old Strathcona Fire Hall
The Old Fire Hall was built in 1897 and closed in 1959.

Rolph Gate at Dundurn
These gates were moved from their original location in Dundas and placed here, at Dundurn Castle. The gates were relocated to the present location in 1976 to accommodate the widening of York Street.

St. Josephs Roman Catholic Church
Built in 1894.

Tuckett Mansion (Scottish Rite)
Completed in 1896 for George Elias Tuckett, founder of Tuckett Tobacco and the 27th mayor of Hamilton. The Tuckett Mansion is now the meeting place of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Westdale Highschool
Westdale Secondary School was built in 1931. It is the second oldest high school in the city of Hamilton after Delta Secondary.

White Chapel Cemetery and Crematorium
The White Chapel Memorial Gardens and Crematorium was opened in 1929. It is located in the Ainslie Wood area of west Hamilton.